What My To-Do List Looks Like

It’s not a secret, especially if you listen to the MakeWorkWork podcast, that I am an avid to-do list maker.

I use one task list app (Todoist) to run almost everything in my life. I recently reflected on how I keep my tasks organized and realized that there are several specific things I do to stay organized that I can pass along to anyone, regardless of the to-do list platform that they use. (Sad to report that these might be slightly less relevant if you are using pen and paper, though.) Here they are: 

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The 5 Types of Career Lists I Keep

I am the kind of person that really thrives on lists. (This probably isn’t surprising if you know me at all.) 

I make lists of tasks every day in Todoist, I keep a list of my goals, and the final type of list I make I can only really classify as “career lists.” They are lists I’ve been keeping for a few years now that are related to my career in one way or another.

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The Email System I’m Using to Get to Inbox Zero More Often And Check Email Less

Through a group of public relations professionals I recently joined, I was encouraged to turn off email notifications on my phone. Now, that seemed like a wild idea for me, because what if I got an email from a journalist that I needed to respond to immediately? Michael Smart, who leads the group, encouraged everyone …